Winter 2020 Edition
Dear Friends,
It is my great privilege to announce the inaugural issue of The LatinEd Connection, a quarterly newsletter produced by the LULAC National Educational Service Centers (LNESC). This publication will provide new and exciting information about LNESC programs and services throughout 16 centers in the United States and Puerto Rico. Along with announcements on new education initiatives and scholarship opportunities, the newsletter includes academic and professional resources for students, and helpful tips for parents, as well.
We also hope to provide deeper insight into the impact of our important work within our Hispanic communities through personal stories. In working towards our mission, we inspire and incite growth of our students through life-changing experiences that result in meaningful progress in personal and professional development. We will share these stories, highlighting exceptional students, staff, and friends of LNESC, to demonstrate the power of education, and how the opportunities presented by LNESC can make a difference!
We wish you all great success and happiness in the coming year!
Warm Regards,
Richard Roybal Executive Director
Que Pasa: Updates and Happenings at LNESC

LULAC National Scholarship Fund
In 1975, LNESC and LULAC established the LULAC National Scholarship Fund (LNSF) to help youth in underserved communities make the dream of college enrollment a reality. LNSF is a unique partnership between grassroots advocates and corporations that fund educational opportunities for deserving youth across the U.S. The LNSF application will be available February 14th; deadline to apply is March 31st. For more information, click here.
Macy's Emergency Scholarship Fund
The Macy's Emergency Scholarship Fund is a joint partnership between LNESC & Macy's to provide financial resources to deserving students facing economic hardship and immediate monetary need that, if not met, could result in an inability to complete classes or a degree program. For more information, click here.
For additional non-LNESC scholarship resources, click here.

PepsiCo Sustainable STEM Explorers in Oregon
LNESC is pleased to announce the PepsiCo Sustainable STEM Explorers program at Hillsboro High School in Hillsboro, Oregon. This initiative is a high school program designed to encourage students' interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields by exposing them to real-world STEM applications and problems. Funded by the PepsiCo Foundation as part of a three-year grant, program activities will encourage interest and participation around sustainability, environmental sciences, and robotics with a focus on STEM-based, hands-on learning.
Hillsboro High School hosted an event on January 15th with students, parents, school officials, and LNESC and PepsiCo representatives that included a check presentation and a formal launch of the program that begins this month. You can read an article posted on the school's website here.
The PepsiCo Sustainable STEM Explorers program is in partnership with the PepsiCo Foundation. For more information, click here.
Lideres in Action: Rising Stars of LNESC

Paula Albino (right) as a student, November 2016
Paula Albino
Paola Albino got her start at LNESC Philadelphia as an Upward Bound Math & Science participant in 2015. In the summer of 2016, she also participated as a youth worker in the Work Ready Program. In this capacity, she assisted Out-of-School Time (OST) students by implementing programs, assisting with hands on STEM activities, and accompanying students on field trips.
Soon after, in 2017, Paola graduated from Kensington High School. During this time she applied for, and was awarded, LULAC Council 20009's first ever scholarship award to help pay for books for her classes at The Community College of Philadelphia (CCP).
"While in the Upward Bound Math and Science program, I had so much help and support with getting ready for my senior year. They took me on college tours, trips, and nanotechnology workshops. In the Philadelphia Youth Network program, I learned how to work in teams with our summer project, and this program helped me gain work experience. When I graduated high school, I went to the Community College of Philadelphia where I applied for work-study. When I was eligible for work-study, LNESC gave me the opportunity to work at the LNESC office and with our OST program. I am glad that I came to work for LNESC since I see it as a way of helping and supporting our youth to be successful."
-Paola Albino, Ford Driving Dreams Coordinator
Read more about Paola and her contributions to LNESC and her community on the LNESC Philadelphia page on the LNESC website.
College Cues: Tips for Student Readiness

Essential Skills for College Students
Time Management - Prepare a weekly schedule that includes time in class, studying, activities, work, meals, study and time with friends. Being a college student is like having a full-time job. Several hours of studying and preparation expected for each class.
Stress Management - Regular exercise, adequate rest, good nutrition, prayer and/or meditation are all suggested ways of engaging in self-care that reduces stress. Finding ways to increase coping resources will help students decrease the stressors that life will throw your way.
Study Skills - Even some of the best high school students have not always developed good study skills. Knowing how to read a textbook, take notes in class, use the library and take multiple-choice tests are all areas that will help you be more successful in the classroom.
For more student readiness tips, you can read the full article by Clark University.
Parent Forum: Strategies for Student Success

Everything Parents Need to Know About Helping Their Kids Pay for College
1. Take out federal loans
The first step for any prospective college student should be to fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). This will determine how much aid your child will get in a variety of forms, including grants and federal loans.
2. Consider private loans
Even if your child has scored some scholarships and taken out loans in their own name, and you've borrowed federal loans, it still might not be enough to cover the total cost of education. That's when you might look into private student loans for paying for college.
For more tips on paying for college, read the full article by Student Loan Hero here.
Your contributions are what helps us continue with our educational programs and provide scholarships to outstanding Latino/a leaders. Together we can continue making an impact on the Latino/a community. Consider supporting LNESC by making a donation.

The LULAC National Educational Service Centers, Inc. (LNESC) is an independent 501(c)(3) non-profit agency whose mission is to provide the highest quality educational opportunities needed for the development of life-long learners and leaders.
As LULAC's education arm, since 1973 LNESC has provided direct educational services to under-served communities throughout the United States and Puerto Rico, serving more than 14,000 students each year. Our educational programs break down the barriers that exist between high-need students and high school diplomas, college degrees, and jobs in highly skilled fields.
Through its network of community-based education centers, LNESC provides educational counseling, scholarships, mentorship, leadership development, literacy, and technology programs.
For more information go to
For the LNESC staff directory click here. |